Stel vraag

Wonen, Buren


Good day;
I am writting this email in English for clarity, I hope that is not a problem for you.
I am living in my actual house for 2 years now, the situation is that the house's owner wants to sell the property and they want me out of the place. Now, I need to find another place and I am wondering if I can stay longer than those 3 months of notice period in case I dont find another suitable property.
Thank you for your time.
Best regards.

In general, selling the house is not a valid reason for ending the contract. In that case you have certain rights of staying in the house and it is the landlord that will have to go to court if not satisfied. Depending your contract and sort of contract it is sometimes allowed to terminate the contract. If you want you can send a copy of teh contract for further advice. Please click on the button next to this answer.

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Reactie van de vraagsteller

Thank you very much for your reply. I would like to send you the documents. I will try to find the way to share the documents with you.
Best regards.

It is clear you have a contract of bepaalde tijd : they may be of a maximum of 2 years and the end needs to be in a written notice by the Landlord . If he does exactly that you will have no right to stay longer.

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