Stel vraag

Zakelijk, Arbeid, Schade


Good evening,

Recently, I received the last payslip from my ex-employer (restaurant in Amsterdam). The income was less than expected.
I consulted the company responsible for these payslips and they mentioned that I had "min hours" meaning that, according to them, I worked less than I was supposed to.

I already had these problem while I was working in this restaurant. They mentioned that I had "min hours" which is not true. I actually worked extra hours that they didn't count.

I checked in and checked out every day with my fingerprint. I emailed Human Resources and my direct boss in order to request the number of hours registered. They have never replied my email.

I believe it's my right to get a copy of this hours registered. Is there a way to demonstrate that I actually worked extra hours?
This is not the first time I had this discussion with them, since while I was working, this also happened in one of my payslips and they said it was a "mistake".

Any kind of advise will be really appreciated.

My best regards,

Good morning, , as I see it you have now a wage claim on your employer. There is a letter you can use for claiming, to be found on the website . The claim can be based on the check in/check out data which you also reguire. The offices of the Juridisch Loket are well spread over the Netherlands, you can find on the website one to visit in your own neighbourhood.
Succes !

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