Stel vraag

Zakelijk, Arbeid, Schade


Dear Sir/Madam,
Good afternoon. I am a contractor working for a company through a payroll agency. I will be making a business trip soon. My question is; while on my business trip, who is responsible for: insurance
2. health insurance?

Do I buy a business travel insurance for myself? Or is this something of the responsibility of my payroll agency?

The health insurance that I currently have in the Netherlands should cover me during my business trip right?

Looking forward to your reply, many thanks.

If you work in the Neherlands you are insured in Europe , you may ask your insurance compagny .an EHIC card. Only direct health problems are insured in foreign Europe countries. If you are going to a non Europe country it is the payroll agency have te cover for extra costst of insurance. ( as well a travel insuarance)

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