Stel vraag

Wonen, Buren



Hi everyone, I have a housing situation but I do not know enough about Dutch Law so I was hoping you might help.

Here is some background:
On January 1st 2019, I moved to the Netherlands and I signed a 6 months contracts with my landlord. When it was close to the end, we exchange messages via WhatsApp to continue the lease up until February 2020.
I live on the second floor of the house, in a small room and she lives downstairs in the house. we do not share much of other common area (she has her own kitchen, living room and bathroom)

I can’t afford to ask a company for legal advice if I am not sure I have rights and I also don’t speak English which makes it hard to find information online

Since the beginning, I always felt like I was being monitored and during the past months, I had, two times, one friend coming after work for some drinks on the balcony.

The problems are:
- when I have friends coming over or family, she is forcing me to text her that I’m bringing guests and when I am in the house to present them to her so she can say if she accepts them in the house or not
- She comes to the second floor (common area with another roommate) or enters my room without telling me under the claims that there might be a leak from the roof (after many heavy rains it never happened) or fire (no smoke whatsoever)
- She has 9 cats going everywhere and is forcing me to accept that they have the rights to go anywhere, even my room, kitchen etc

What rights do I have ? She always telling me that’s it is her house and I can’t say anything.

But I don’t want to :
- be checked every time I bring a friend over
- have her in my room without me being present and told before
- have to clean every day my room because of the cats

Hope you can help ! Thanks

I assume you didn't sign a contract that obliges you to undergo these things. If that's not the case, many things you describe are not allowed. For instance entering your room without your consent. This is a breach of your right to privacy. You can also argue about the fact that there are so many cats. I case these cats disturb you in your normal life or household you could say that she is in breach of the rental contract. In case you are not able to setlle the dispute in an amicable way, litigation could be considered.

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Stel vraag