Professional help with swimming pool problems
We had a swimming pool built by a company and followed all the advice. The walls and floor were made as the contractor advised us. We asked if it was okay and it was fixed perfectly. Now the pool is ready and it is a drama, the floor has a transition of about 15 cm that is not smooth but very bumpy because according to the contractor it was not necessary to have the screed poured up to there. The contractor laid the foil covering over it and it turned out terrible. The back wall of the pool is not completely smooth but was approved by the contractor for covering. It is not a beauty to look at but this did cost 43,000 euros. The contractor indicates that he is not responsible for it and he does not know when the customer is satisfied?? I would expect that he can estimate with his experience whether the surface is okay, we do not know that, which is why we kept asking and the answer was always fine!! We also had a roller shutter installed and this was damaged by the contractor during installation for 3/4. Here too we get the answer that scratches will appear through use? We wanted a beautiful pool and are prepared to pay a high price for it, but the end result makes us very unhappy. Can you help us?Lawyer
You are right that a professional who accepts specific work may be expected to have a good overview of the end results, both technically and visually. It seems that he has not fulfilled his obligations. You can put him in default and give him a period of two to four weeks to remedy the defects for you free of charge. If he does not want to or cannot do this, he is then in default and can be held liable for the damage that must be assessed by another party.Neem de volgende stap
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