Legal assistance with camping conflicts
Day, After 35 years on a campsite, we had to sell our caravan due to high costs. The caravan was not allowed to be sold on the campsite owner's site because according to him there was no shower and only 1 bedroom. The option was to tow it off and pay 700 euros or leave it there and receive a symbolic amount of 1500 euros. The caravan would then be demolished on the site or the owner would see if it could be converted to the requirement with a shower and extra bedroom. We chose the latter and left much of the furniture in the caravan. A cupboard would be picked up by me later, that was agreed. After half a year I was surprised to see that the caravan had indeed been renovated, but still had 1 bedroom (with a shower) and was for sale with our furniture still in it (which can be taken over for a fee) for an amount of almost 30,000 euros! When we had to take all the stuff out in January and still had to pay a month's storage fee for it, the owner said that the caravan was outdated and not worth much anymore etc. etc. With tears and pain in our hearts we said goodbye after 35 years, after helping to build this campsite and advertising it for years and introducing new campers. The cabinet that I was supposed to pick up is suddenly no longer there and I won't get it back. My questions are; I think the campsite owner knew very well that this solid, self-built but dated mobile home was still very saleable and misled us. What can you do about this? And how can I claim my promised cupboard (I have an email stating that it would be kept for me)? And can we still claim our other furnishings? Dresser, TV cabinet, dining area, sofa? The owner received this for free and now wants to sell it himself to a potential buyer. Please give us your feedback.Lawyer
This does indeed sound unfair and I think that steps can be taken against it. However, it does depend strongly on your evidentiary position. For example, can you demonstrate that the second bedroom and shower were a requirement? In writing is best, but that can also be done by witnesses, for example. Please feel free to contact me directly to discuss matters in more detail.Neem de volgende stap
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