Help with changing the deed of division


Dear reader, We have a house from the woonbron and are listed with all 76 houses on a deed of division at the land registry. We have pulled the common attic into our house with the permission of all parties. We want to own the attic with a view to selling it but don't know where to start. Woonbron does not include the attic in the valuation because it is not owned. The owner-occupied houses have been rented out since this year when people leave. But the rents do go up when there is an attic. Who dares to take on this challenge and can help me? Starting something against woonbron alone is not possible. Kind regards


For this purpose, it is necessary to amend the deed of division. This can be done by means of a majority decision of the VvE (in principle a majority of 4/5ths, but this may be arranged differently in the current deed of division). After the decision has been made, an amended deed of division must be made and a notary must pass a deed of amendment of the deed of division. The notary must first ask permission from all mortgagees before he can pass the deed. Especially in larger complexes, the costs of changing the division can be quite high. You should also take into account that transfer tax is due. There may be several owners who use part of the attic and would like to acquire ownership of it, in which case the costs could be shared. The first action is to request the VvE to cooperate in changing the division. Should you require any clarification of the above, or should you require further assistance, please feel free to contact me by telephone after the weekend.

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