Legal questions about parenthood and authority
Dear Legal Aid Clinic, I have a family issue problem. In a week I hope to go away for a weekend with a good friend of mine. We will go to Scheveningen for a few days with one or two overnight stays. And that is the problem. I am a 20 year old boy, still living at home with my parents and according to them (the parents) I am not allowed to go away for the weekend because it involves overnight stays. According to my father he has authority and he forbids me to continue the overnight stays. If I decide to continue the weekend, he will do everything in his power to throw me out of the house. He literally said that. To my knowledge he has no right to interfere with such activities that happen outside his home. Also I am 20 years old and no longer under parental authority. I would like to know if my father has the right to make these kinds of decisions that in my opinion do not concern him at all. And is he allowed to just throw me out on the street as he threatens to do? Thank you in advance for your answer!Lawyer
In the Netherlands, one is normally an adult from the age of 18, and completely 'independent' from the age of 21. So you are not. In addition, your parents are jointly liable for any consequential damage from the outing with your girlfriend. This is because 'they' knew you were leaving. My advice is to have a good conversation with both parents and not to act on your own initiative.Neem de volgende stap
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