IAOW benefit and municipal differences | Legal aid centre
On the government website, under the section Questions and Answers, I read the following standards under the question How high is my IAOW benefit?: Equity and other income The municipality looks at your income for the right to an IOAW benefit. The municipality does not look at: pension rights (severance pay must have been purchased for example for a pension) equity, such as savings or a home; income from alimony, rent allowance, health care allowance and child benefit; tax credits; income of minor children. I have become unemployed and after my WW benefit I am eligible for an IAOW benefit. Now I heard that municipalities deal differently with the allocation of this benefit. Rich municipalities would not look at their own assets and poor municipalities would. Are you aware that municipalities deal differently with the above standards? Yours sincerely, a WW-erLawyer
The implementation of the IOAW in terms of assets must be the same in every municipality. This is national legislation and not municipal legislation.Neem de volgende stap
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