Legal advice on wrongly paid premiums
I have been living alone since 2010, but it was only during the current renewal of my home contents, home and liability insurance that I noticed that I had continued to pay premiums for a multi-person household since 2010. Can I reclaim the part I wrongly paid from the insurance company?Lawyer
If you can prove this and you indicated at the start that you live alone, you can reclaim the premium.Questioner
Thank you for your answer. I wasn't entirely clear, my apologies for that. When the insurance started, my ex-wife and our daughter still lived in the same house. I have been living alone since March 2009. Didn't look at the insurances and only now found out that this was never adjusted. I understand that it is my own responsibility to report changes, but I wonder if the premium payment can be qualified as an undue payment?Lawyer
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