Advice on problems with your product warranty


I bought a pizza for 6 people for €99.00. 16-12-2013. We treated it very carefully and used it a total of 4 times. The warranty period has expired. The warranty period is 2 years. I sent the factory an email about my oven and the answer was. Warranty expired. I don't think this is the right solution for a €99.00 oven. It has to work well for a while after the warranty. Please advise


There is non-conformity: you could expect more from such a pizza oven. Non-conformity must always be reported to the seller within two months of discovering the defect. There are now several options: that the seller still delivers the missing part, that the product is repaired or replaced, that the seller refunds part of the purchase price or that the purchase agreement is dissolved. The legal framework can be found in art. 7:17 BW et seq.


That is indeed correct. Even after the guarantee, you can claim repair for defective products. It looks like after almost 3 years the oven shows a defect, especially considering the fact that the lifespan of the oven is longer. I advise you to give the seller written notice of default and demand repair. For further questions you can contact me directly.

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