Divorce in the Netherlands: Marriage Annulment


Hello, I was married last year. Dec. 15 to a Filipina...now more and more is coming to light and something I don't want to have anything to do with anymore is deceit and deceit...can I easily get a divorce within a year of the marriage and thus get an annulment


Here is the article of law for you. Article 71 Annulment at the request of a spouse 1. A spouse may request the annulment of his marriage if it was entered into under the influence of an unlawful serious threat. 2. A similar request is available to the spouse who, during the marriage ceremony, has made an error either regarding the person of the other spouse or regarding the meaning of the statement made by him. 3. The spouse's right to request annulment on the grounds of threat or error shall lapse if the spouses have lived together for six months since the threat ceased or the error was discovered, without the request having been made.


I only lived together for 3 months and she always kept the name of her murdered husband, but it is becoming more and more clear to me that the truth is not something that is real to her and I think that she thinks giving multiple answers is normal and I do not agree with that, which is causing more and more arguments and if I say something about it, the connection on Skype is broken and days of silence follow and that is not how you treat each other, I think, and to prevent more misery after having gone through everything here and her stay is permanent or if she decides to stay there, I want to end this marriage to prevent worse, so what is or are my options?


Your option is to request an annulment of the marriage, in accordance with the aforementioned legal article. Provided that the marriage was fulfilled in the Netherlands.

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