Legal Advice for Car MOT Problems


Hello, a garage has inspected my car for the MOT, in order to pass this inspection a few things had to be repaired. However, he could not align the car, so we went to another garage that could. There it turned out that the car should never have passed the MOT, and that more damage was done due to poor installation by garage no. 1. I asked for compensation but he is not willing to cooperate. What else can I do?


You can hold the first garage liable for the poor installation and still demand proper repair. Furthermore, you can request an inspection with the RDW regarding the APK to check whether the car was correctly APK approved. If you cannot figure it out, you can contact me directly.


Thank you for your response. I already had my car repaired at another garage because I don't trust garage no. 1. could I get my money back at garage no. 1?


The first garage should have been given the opportunity to repair the damage. Now that this is no longer possible, the chance that you will get your money back from that garage is small.

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