Rental agreement and mental health issues: your options


Can I get out of my lease if my psychological complaints worsen because of my rented room? I moved out on my own partly because of the psychological complaints in order to find more peace for myself. I am someone who likes to be at home and would have expected that an enlarged version of a bedroom + kitchen and bathroom would be sufficient. Now I notice that I get anxious if I am at home for more than a few hours and can hardly sleep. I have to be out of my room almost the whole day to be able to sleep reasonably soundly. I have responsible work that often involves reactions and a few seconds, so I have to be optimally fit.


In principle, you are entitled to enjoyment of the rental. This enjoyment must however result from matters concerning the rental. The complaints you describe are not related to the rental and will therefore not, other than the termination, be a reason to exit the contract. terminate. For more information or further assistance, you can contact me directly.

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