Legal questions about contract extension
I have been given a one-year contract until October. In my email from May it said that if I functioned well I would get a permanent position. Now I had surgery on my leg in June. There was a malignant tumor, which was removed. Fortunately I am clean. Now I am offered a contract for 10 months. So no permanent position, while I do function well. Now they are waiting to see how it goes with my leg, illness. Is this allowed.Lawyer
Since 1 January 2015, the employer must inform you at least one month before the end of the contract whether or not the contract will be extended. This must be done in writing. Is your contract being extended? Then the employer must also indicate under which conditions he wants to do so. Does the employer indicate that he wants to continue the contract? But not under which conditions? Then the conditions from your previous contract apply. The duration of your contract is also the same with a maximum term of one year. It therefore remains important to also look at the collective labour agreement if applicable.Neem de volgende stap
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