Legal assistance with compensation
I started working as a tour guide for a travel agency at the end of April. Before I started working for them, I was well insured through Ohra insurance. The company I started working for impressed upon me that I could safely cancel this and that I would then be insured through them. No sooner said than done. Now my work bag was stolen from my house while I was in my house. This bag contained items such as cash, an ATM, a voucher printer, my debit card and my driver's license. Since I have to drive a car for my work, the driver's license was very important. However, you have to apply for this personally in the Netherlands. This meant that I had to pay for a ticket to the Netherlands and the costs of an emergency driver's license. Together they amounted to 250 euros. Now the insurance, which I now have through work, states that personal belongings are not reimbursed. However, the company I work for has never informed me of what is and what is not reimbursed. So I was completely unaware of this. I assumed that, since it is a tourist company, that everything was well arranged. My question is to what extent are they guilty of negligence and not informing me properly? After all, they said that I could cancel my insurance and then be insured through them. However, they never sent me documentation with what I am not insured for.Lawyer
You were allowed to rely on the statement of your employer, although this can cause problems to prove. In addition, now that you no longer have insurance and it concerns a work bag that you need for your job, the employer must compensate the damage, including the consequential damage. This can be excluded in the policy conditions, but does not exclude that your employer must compensate this damage. For further assistance, you may contact me directly if desired.Lawyer
I wonder which personal effects you are referring to? Furthermore, it is very important what is precisely described in the conditions of this insurer, usually it can still be changed.Neem de volgende stap
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