Co-parenting and orthodontics: who pays?
My ex and I have joint custody, my son is registered at his address and is on my health insurance. For the days that my son is with me, my ex pays alimony. Who should pay the costs of the orthodontist?Lawyer
Co-parenting means that the care of the children is divided between both parents. This also applies to the costs of the orthodontist. There are no rules regarding the division of the costs. The amount of the costs incurred will depend on the amount of time the child stays with the other. The ability to pay must also be considered. If desired, you may contact me directly for further advice.Lawyer
If a ruling has stipulated something about possible child support to be paid, it may be that something has been recorded about this. This could be stated in the ruling, but also in a parenting plan signed by both of you. However, it is often the case that nothing has been stipulated about this. Orthodontic costs can be regarded as special costs that would increase the child's needs, with the result that these are indeed costs that should in principle be shared between both parents.Neem de volgende stap
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