Co-parenting and alimony: solutions for your situation


The situation is as follows: I have a 4 year old daughter with my ex. The contact with her is about 60/40. My ex has a little more contact. My ex makes about 38,000 a year I am on welfare Now my ex gets all the allowances for our daughter. And I have to pay my ex 25 euros in child support for the maintenance of our daughter. My question is whether this is correct. In practice, there is co-parenting, but my ex does not think so. I do not want this to become a big problem, but I would also not find it fair if I were disadvantaged. At the moment, I have almost nothing to provide for my daughter's livelihood. Of course, I also pay for clothes, medicine, extra water, gas and electricity, etc. I can hardly give her anything extra. Can someone give me a clear explanation of this? Because I really want to understand it.


Co-parenting means that you both provide for the costs of your child. Now that the child is staying with your ex-husband - which I gather from the information - he also has the rights to the allowance. The more you have a WWB benefit, this allowance would be settled. Alimony is calculated according to assets and earnings. The €25 that you have to pay is a reasonable amount for WWB beneficiaries. What you could do is to apply for a one-off grant through special assistance to obtain a new bicycle or a PC for your child. There are also options to let your child do sports for free. If desired, I can assist you with this.


If there is co-parenting, the child benefit can be paid to both parents in divided amounts. For the exact conditions, I refer you to the website of the social insurance bank. Incidentally, it is also the case that if you do not receive anything for her and pay your ex 25 euros per month in alimony, he is the one who will have to buy everything for her to provide for her care and upbringing. If there is co-parenting, it could also be argued that you do not have to pay those 25 euros per month because she is with you 40% of the time and you therefore also have costs. If you require the assistance of a lawyer, you can contact me.

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