Legal Assistance with Relocation Problems | Legal Aid Office
Dear, Since April, the moving company Mr. U has had my personal belongings in his possession, it was a paid favor to a friend at first, like the first time, and now again, Then they come by when they are near your home. But it is much less and still they ask the same price as the first time. Expected to have a lot of money at the end of May but my guest business revenue was disappointing, and if I offered him a payment, then another €300 would be added, and I would only get it end of the year. I live in Portugal, have already lost a lot through embezzlement, and this; literature books, art, bicycle and diplomas, laptop, 40 editions of my publisher still in packaging, I would like to have back. According to experts, it is worth about €150 to €250 instead of €500. This mover thought he could have coffee with me first and called me in advance long and often up, thought that was how it was supposed to be, customer loyalty or something. Heard from another lady that she had experienced that with him too, also afterwards suddenly erratic prices, and unwillingness. I am so fed up with it, also because he writes insulting letters, and falsely accuses me of all sorts of things. So slander. And with plans to move to another region in mind, haste is of great importance in this case. Who dares?Lawyer
One has the right to retention, if there are outstanding monetary claims. Now that I look at it, it seems that the claimant consults his own law book to increase the claim considerably in the meantime. The assumption was also not discussed with you, so that these increases are also not permissible. Diplomas, laptop, books and bicycle are subject to seizure, but if these are necessary for the performance of work, this is not permitted. If desired, you can contact me directly and I can assist you legallyNeem de volgende stap
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