Legal assistance for hearing damage caused by aircraft


Dear readers, A few weeks ago I went on holiday by plane. Boarding the plane did not take place via the traditional jet bridge, but via the outside. All passengers had to wait outside on the plane parking lot until the plane was ready. While waiting, a plane was taking off right next to us - the waiting passengers. Since then I have been continuously bothered by noise/beeping, there is a chance that the noise/beeping is permanent. Can the airport be blamed for this damage in this case? If so, what would be the compensation? Kind regards,


This 'damage' can be attributed to the airport. It is not usual for passengers to be present on the platform. If this is the case, they must be provided with hearing protection. In your case, it is therefore advisable to ask further questions about this. Of course, if the hearing damage is permanent. If you wish, you may contact me directly.

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