Solving rental problems? Free legal advice!
I once managed to make a good deal with my landlord for the rent of a house. After 1 year he regretted it, he has financial problems. Since then he has tried everything to get me out. Since he has access to the common hall where the mail of all tenants is, including my mail. I now see him as making some of my mail disappear. In particular a summons and default judgment. He threatened a few weeks ago that he would summon me. I called this number 088-3626000 last week to check if I had been summoned. The lady I had on the line said that she could see all the cases brought. She told me that I had not been summoned. Now I wonder what is a case brought? Is that also a default judgment? How can I see for myself if something is pending against me? I live in Rotterdam, can I go to the Rotterdam District Court to see if something is pending? (Since my rent is quite low, I'm staying here until I pay off my debts. And so I'm going to fight this battle)Lawyer
You can always approach the clerk's office at Wilhelminaplein, they can tell you directly what is going on. A judgment is always provided by a bailiff. If you can prove that the landlord is withholding your mail, that is a violation of the confidentiality of correspondence. The same goes for the rental agreement, it cannot simply be adjusted or changed. If you wish, you may contact me directly.Neem de volgende stap
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