Help with divorce and division of property | Legal aid
Dear, I have been officially divorced for 4 years now. My EX-wife is still in my house with my belongings. She was allowed to stay there because of my two daughters, now 19 and 11 years old respectively, until the divorce was pronounced. We got married under prenuptial agreements and I had my own home and all its contents before we got married. My ex-wife came with an old suitcase and some plastic bags from Suriname. My ex-wife has not wanted to cooperate in the division and moving for 4 years. The house is in joint names, but I purchased the house with money from the previous house, which was my personal property! Her sabotage has forced me to live in a small room for 4 years and I have also lost my job because of these circumstances. She also embezzled more than 40,000 euros of joint savings! She also had my own business closed down. I cannot get a mortgage to purchase another home or open another store/business because the mortgage on that house is still running and is too big a risk for the bank. She was summoned twice by the court to cooperate in the division and failed to cooperate and comply with agreements. She has more than enough opportunity to rent another home, but she doesn't want to. How do I finally get my house back or sold and my belongings back!??? Apparently the pressure from the court doesn't help! Kind regards, Ps, I have nightmares about it and just want to get on with my life! My friends support me but I can't get out of this impasse!Lawyer
You can request the court in a legal procedure that she leaves the house within a certain period. If she does not do so, you can request the court that you can enforce this departure with the strong arm of the law (police assistance). It can also be requested in a legal procedure that the court grant you substitute permission (instead of that of your ex-wife) to put the house up for sale. There are also possibilities with regard to the household effects and the embezzled money. For this, the divorce decree and any agreement will have to be examined. If desired, you can contact me.Neem de volgende stap
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