Inheritance Law and Deliberation: What Now?
My uncle (single, no children) passed away in July. While searching for information to arrange the funeral, my mother came across a statement from a credit card company showing a debt of 4500,-. My mother and her brother (no children) are going to reject the inheritance. I have two questions 1) When does my right of deliberation start; death of my uncle, or at the moment that my mother has rejected the inheritance. (after all, I was not in the picture). If I reject, they will end up with my 2 minor children! 2) Overview of debts/assets is difficult; without a declaration of inheritance, no one will provide information. If I apply for a certificate of inheritance, do I accept the inheritance? or can I renounce it later?Lawyer
The right of deliberation commences at the time of death, the term can be extended by the subdistrict court judge upon request. The right of deliberation does not give free rein to actions regarding the estate, it is purely a term within which creditors (with the exception of separatists such as the bank and tax authorities) may not seek recourse. In principle, requesting a certificate of inheritance is not an act as an heir, the notary can also provide you with further information about this.Neem de volgende stap
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