Appeal blocking neighbours' way out | Legal Aid Centre
My neighbour has blocked our exit. I have appealed the decision of the appeals committee, which stated that the land consolidation has created a new exit for me. I had no part in the allocation plan. The situation that has now arisen is dangerous and in conflict with the General By-law and the policy rules. The administrative judge only addressed the publicity (and declared it unfounded), while I had also lodged an appeal on the title of acting in conflict with the General By-law and the policy rules. Is there a lawyer who has sound specialist knowledge of this and who can help me with the appeal as a 'reader'? And does land consolidation also concern the exits of house plots? If so, where does it say that?Lawyer
Was the exit that is now closed based on an easement? If easements are not explicitly taken over, they will lapse in the deed of allocation. It may also be that there was an 'emergency route' that has lapsed because there is now another exit. The subject is not unfamiliar to me, but based on the currently known data I cannot do much with it. Please contact me directly regarding the appeal.Neem de volgende stap
Blijf niet rondlopen met vragen over je situatie. Stel je vraag en krijg persoonlijk antwoord van een ervaren jurist.
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