OV Chip Card Liability: Will You Get Compensation?


Mid-June I discovered that my OV chip card was defective after a bike fall (dent) and I immediately requested a new (replacement card) by mail. 4 days later I receive an email and confirmation of receipt and that my new card would be sent after 3 days and after 15 days I would get my balance that was still on my card refunded. After waiting for 3 weeks I called because I hadn't received anything yet. They couldn't tell me anything except apologies and that I just had to wait. I then filled in a complaint form, to which I received the same response (sorry, no idea how long it will take). After advice from the OV counter where I also reported it, I managed to put my discount hours subscription on an anonymous OV chip card (which I had to purchase) via the NS. Unfortunately, the OV bicycle subscription could not be set up here. It has now been more than 2 months since my application and after repeated phone calls with conflicting messages I am still waiting. They also no longer respond to the complaint forms that I filled in. My discount hours card has now been put on my anonymous card for the last time. I have not yet received my balance back from my old card and the costs are increasing with the phone calls (0.50 per call + usual call costs). I'm tired of waiting and especially frustrated by the many phone calls and promises that they (internal service) will contact me and conflicting messages that they give me. I also don't think I should pay more for my replacement card (at 11 euros) and want my balance back from my old card (amount unknown, they couldn't tell me at customer service but I top up with 20 euros at a time so max 40 euros) + costs of purchasing an anonymous card (7.50) + damage for not using OV fiets, costs in the period (3 weeks) when I didn't have my off-peak hours subscription on an anonymous card + costs of phone calls and time that I lost on phone calls and finally the inconvenience/frustration that I had. Can I hold OV chip liable for all the costs and especially the great inconvenience? They do not keep all their agreements.


Of course this is possible. Given your case, it is a given that there is very negligent behaviour towards you and that is not acceptable. You may contact me directly, for further advice or legal assistance.

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