DNA Paternity Testing: Recognize Your Son
We would like to have a legally valid DNA paternity test done. Regarding my inheritance I want to have a legally valid DNA test done. I have a son who is not recognized as my son and now I want to have it established by means of a legally valid DNA test and recognize my son. Also especially regarding my inheritance that I want to leave to him. All parties agree to this (mother and son). I would like advice on where I can best have this done to prevent any family problems. There is quite a difference in price and approach of different providers of DNA tests. Sanquin 825 euros and other providers around 400/500. What matters to me is that the court accepts it if it ever comes to that.Lawyer
If you would like to contact me directly, I can provide you with further information.Lawyer
If everyone agrees, you may also simply acknowledge. This unless your son already has a legal father. In that case, that paternity will have to be annulled. The court currently accepts the DNA reports of 3 research institutes as qualitatively sufficient, namely Sanquin, Verilabs and forensic laboratory for DNA, LUMC (see the 'guideline for appointing a special curator', which can be consulted on the website of the judiciary.Questioner
Hello, could you please answer my following question: The son we want to recognize is now 30 years old and has recently been told that he has a different biological father. Now the legal father has been deceased for several years now, how does that work if I, as the biological father, want to recognize him?Neem de volgende stap
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