Legal questions about alimony and co-parenting
At the express request of the mother (read daughter thrown out of home) my 15 year old daughter came to live with me temporarily 3 months ago. The agreement is that this will remain until at least the end of 2016. After that they will see/decide whether my daughter will live with me or my ex-partner, her mother. I bought off the maintenance costs in one go at the time of divorce and it is set down in a covenant. The covenant also stipulates that if my daughter comes to live with me, a repayment arrangement will start. My proposal for now was that I advance the extra costs and later present this overview to my ex-partner and she will pay the costs. Now this also includes a considerable travel expenses (until the end of 2016, a total of 4 times € 250) item, since I live far away from my ex-partner/daughter. My daughter needs this since she has to go to school every day. I have already paid alimony (bought off until she was 18) and now pay the daily costs (food, drinks, outings, gas/water/electricity). My ex-partner does not contribute to the costs, I do want her to pay the extra costs, such as school costs, clothing money, pocket money, travel expenses, etc. My ex-partner is partially prepared to do this. What are my rights?Lawyer
If what you describe is set out in the covenant, then it is fixed and must be carried out. However, it must be financially feasible for your ex-partner. If you would like more information, you may contact me directly.Lawyer
Without consulting the contents of your agreement, this is difficult to determine. It is possible that repayment must already be made. It is also important to check what has been agreed in the agreement regarding any additional costs. In principle, when recording maintenance, the child's needs are determined on the basis of which, based on the financial capacity of both parties, it is determined which parent will pay which part of the needs. If there are costs that exceed the needs, which may consist of, for example, high travel costs or special school costs, these costs will generally have to be divided between the parents in proportion to their financial capacity. In your case, it may therefore be necessary to have both parties calculate their financial capacity in order to determine how these costs should be divided. Of course, the contents of the agreement will first have to be examined.Neem de volgende stap
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