Suspected of shoplifting? Get free advice!
I am suspected of shoplifting and have to appear at the police station for questioning. If I exercise my right to remain silent, how long can they keep me in custody?Lawyer
Dear, For shoplifting you can indeed be taken into custody. There is a big chance that they will threaten you with this. This is a tactic to make you talk. I think it would be wise to speak to a lawyer before the interrogation to determine whether silence is the best option in your case. You can also bring a lawyer with you to the interrogation. If you wish, you can contact me about this.Lawyer
If you are not arrested, they cannot keep you at the police station. The mere fact that you have now been invited to appear for questioning does not necessarily mean that you will be arrested. However, that is possible. If it is decided to do so, you can be detained for a maximum of 6 hours. You can then indicate that you first wish to speak to a lawyer before you are questioned. This is called consultation assistance. A message will then be sent out after which a lawyer will visit you at the station. You can then also indicate a preferred lawyer who can visit you. After the period of 6 hours, you may be placed in custody. This can be for a maximum of 3 days if the police investigation has not been completed within 6 hours of the arrest. However, you will often not be at the station for long for shoplifting. If my assistance is desired for further consultation, or afterwards if, for example, you receive a summons or subpoena to appear at a hearing, you can contact me.Neem de volgende stap
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