Legal questions about working hours?
Dear Lawyer, I have a question about the time between 2 services. I have heard that there should be 11 hours between 2 shifts in one day. I would like to know to what extent this is correct and what about the extra allowance? I look forward to your response.Lawyer
An employee, the works council and the trade union can demand in court that the employer observes working hours and rest periods. If a collective arrangement contains provisions that conflict with the Working Hours Act, then these are null and void. Instead of those provisions (entirety of provisions), the statutory arrangement is used An employer commits a breach of contract towards employees if he requires them to work in violation of the Working Hours Act, collective regulation and/or individual agreements in the employment contract. They can demand compliance and claim compensation for the damage they have suffered due to the failure to observe the (collective) rules or mutual agreements.Neem de volgende stap
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