Legal Advice on Bicycle Accidents and Liability
My 16 year old son cycles across the road on the zebra crossing. Around the corner a cyclist cycles with a repaired bike in hand. My son sees the cyclist, but the man who comes around the bend with his extra bike in hand is startled by my son and falls with both bikes. Damages€500 each he wants to recover from my son. There has been no collision or crash. He did cycle on the zebra crossing and rode through a red light for pedestrians. Do we have to pay for the damage? (I had already asked this question, but unfortunately I lost it)Lawyer
Due to the fright of the walking man, an unforeseen circumstance occurred. As a rule, this will not be compensated as damage but will be compensated in pain and suffering due to fright and fear and the perpetrator cannot be held liable for it either. Unless there is a form of intent or recklessness. If desired, you may contact me by private message.Neem de volgende stap
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