Wage garnishment and your rights - Free legal advice


Hello they have garnished our son's wages and holiday pay, the employer is very vague, it's about outstanding fines he says, we asked via CIJB and the police whether there are any outstanding fines, this is not the case, the employer is also not allowed to say which bailiff it is, so we can't do anything, our son gets his pay slips once every six months, is this allowed?


The employer must provide a pay slip with each payment of the wages established in money. This is also called a pay slip (pay slip) or salary specification. This pay slip contains the following information (art. 7:626 BW) On the other hand, the employer is obliged to notify the attachment and certainly the associated bailiff. This alone to be able to submit a request for moderation or lifting. If you wish, you may contact me directly in a private message.

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