Legal Advice on Debts and Limitations
My partner was thrown out of debt restructuring in 2012 without any good results. We were told that all debts had been paid off. Nevertheless, he was registered with the CJIB as a defaulter of his insurance. After a lot of telephone contact, it turned out that there was still € 3175.71 outstanding with his insurance. We were told that we were contacted by the collection agency because we did not have a file number etc. It is now 2016 and he has still not been contacted. In December 2015, an invoice from his insurance was sent to the same collection agency. When I went to pay it online, I saw an outstanding amount of € 10,000. I know that a debt is no longer collectible after 5 years if there has been no contact and we were also advised to remember that. My question, since my partner has a form of rheumatism and therefore really needs comprehensive insurance but cannot get it, how can an amount increase so much? I would like to have this resolved but I have the idea that this is far too high. Since it could only be interest. Can you give advice?Lawyer
That this claim consists only of interest is perhaps not the case. It could be legal costs, but then they are on the very high side. Since I have no overview of this claim, I can contact me directly in a private message.Lawyer
Insight into the amount is indeed necessary. The course of the build-up and correspondence conducted is also important to be able to answer the question of prescription. You may contact me directly without obligation.Questioner
As I already mentioned in the message, I have no file or insight into the build-up of this debt. There is not even a file number known to us. There has also never been any correspondence.Lawyer
If nothing is known at all, then the claim is very annoying. It is therefore really advisable to request the file data from the insurance company. If desired, I can lend you a helping hand in this.Neem de volgende stap
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