Legal Advice on Return Problems - Legal Advice
Dear legal aid shop, some time ago I bought an article online via the internet. However, the article turned out to have a very short plug, which meant that it could not function properly in the place where I wanted to use it. That is why I returned the article, after consultation with the company, where they sent a return form by email, which I neatly printed out and filled in, to the address they indicated. I also asked whether I could possibly get the money for the return shipping costs back, but have not received any real response to that yet. I also have not received the money back yet, and this has been going on for about 9 weeks now. I keep emailing, and they keep claiming that they find it very annoying and are going to fix it, but I don't see anything happening. What else can I do about this? It only concerns a relatively small amount, but for me it is a matter of principle, I returned the article so I should get my money back. What else can I do about this? Thanks in advance.Lawyer
That is indeed annoying. You can file a complaint with the organization where the seller is affiliated. Regarding the shipping costs, these are usually not reimbursed, depending on the general terms and conditions. If there is still no result, a collection procedure can be started. Please contact me immediately in that case.Questioner
Thanks for your response. In the meantime, the company in question has finally paid the return costs, even with the associated shipping costs for the return. So it has now been arranged very neatly, but it is a great pity that this had to take so incredibly long.Neem de volgende stap
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