Help with authority issues regarding sports children


Can I force my ex to cooperate so that our daughter can continue to play sports during his weekend? My daughter lives with me. She is now then years old and fanatic about sports. She has her own pony with me. In addition, she has recently started playing hockey. I have discussed with my ex whether he would agree that she also started playing hockey. This is because he also has to go there with her in his weekend. He only indicated that he found this busy for her. After some explanation that I find a team sport important besides pony riding. She does not exercise more than usual because she stopped with acro training of 4 hours per week. Now that hockey season has started. He refuses to let her play hockey on his weekend. I feel so sorry for her. What can I do?


As both parents, you will have to work it out together. Unfortunately, you cannot enforce this with the judge. What you could try is to attempt mediation. If desired, I can lend you a hand with this. You may contact me directly in a private message.


You can indeed take legal action to obtain a judicial decision on this if you cannot reach an agreement and you are both charged with the authority over your daughter. If desired, you can also contact me.

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