Legal assistance with cohabitation problems


After living together for three years, my girlfriend and I broke up. She moved in with her parents and registered there. I still live in our house, bought in both names. Now she still wants to move into our house when it suits her because it is in both names. Should I allow this and can she otherwise stop her mandatory mortgage obligation. She is now threatening to take a rental house and I will have to sort it out with the mortgage because she will no longer be able to afford it.


If you are the joint owners of the home, you are in principle also jointly and severally liable for the payment of the mortgage. If she fails to pay her share of the mortgage, this can be enforced in court. Please note that she could now also claim a usage fee from you because you now apparently live alone in the home. If you do not want her to enter the home any longer, a request can be made in legal proceedings to grant you the exclusive right to use the home. If desired, you can contact us.


In addition to the above. You may have entered into a cohabitation agreement with your ex-girlfriend. This often includes regulations on what applies between you both if one of the cohabitants leaves the shared home.

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