Help with payment problems as a self-employed person
I am a self-employed person and do translation work. One of my clients pays very late. An invoice is from 7.6., for which I have received 2 partial payments (still more than € 1000 missing). The 2nd invoice is from 27.6., which is still completely unpaid. I have received a new assignment from this client which I initially accepted but later refused because I did not dare to tackle the subject (medical). He 'forced' me to carry out the assignment because he had no other translator. This client has caused me economic problems with his poor payments. I have translated 14 pages of the new assignment (36 pages in total) but would like to stop doing so because I cannot afford to continue working for him. Could this cause legal problems for me? I know it is a complicated story and would really appreciate an answer because I do not know what to do next!!Lawyer
Your debtor is in default and given the fact that you regularly perform work for this organisation and that there is therefore sufficient coherence between your claims and your obligation, it seems to me that you are justified in suspending your obligations until the debtor has paid. An exception may be made if the parties have declared general terms and conditions applicable to the agreement, in which the right of suspension is limited or excluded. I would try to collect the outstanding invoices immediately. Given that this is a business transaction, the debtor is immediately liable for extrajudicial collection costs. I would therefore have the debtor write to you stating that you are exercising your right of suspension (after checking the presence of general terms and conditions) and that you are claiming the outstanding invoices, including extrajudicial collection costs and statutory commercial interest. If you need any further assistance with anything, please feel free to contact me directly.Neem de volgende stap
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