Information about Copyright and Plagiarism
Can you tell me more about copyright issues? It is a book for primary education, but it contains all existing theories. She also used source references. Now I am making a product, partly based on existing theories mentioned in the book. Now the author is saying that I am violating her copyright... I'd like to hear if she's right. Can you tell me this? And give me more insight into copyright?Lawyer
Reusing someone else's work usually infringes on copyright. There are exceptions, such as the right to quote, which allows you to copy parts of someone else's work. And if the copyright has expired, you can of course use whatever you want. But what is never allowed is to pretend that you actually created or invented someone else's work yourself. That is called plagiarism: copying without properly citing the source. Paraphrasing, presenting someone else's work in your own words, is also often seen as plagiarism if no source is mentioned. You must therefore always clearly separate your own contributions from those of others. It is difficult to give a general rule when something is plagiarism. When cutting and pasting an entire text or photo, it is clear. But when summarizing or paraphrasing a text, it can be a lot more difficult. That is allowed in itself, but if it is not clear that it is a summary of someone else's work, it can still be plagiarism. Here too, citing the source is crucial. Plagiarism can also occur when copying part of a work. Copying a paragraph with a nice explanation without citing the source is also plagiarism. Plagiarism is often also an infringement of copyright, because it is forbidden to copy (parts of) someone's work without permission. If the copyright has expired, the work may be copied freely. Nevertheless, plagiarism can still occur if the author is not identified. Applying a false name or sign to a work is a criminal offence. Article 326b of the Criminal Code prohibits the false application of any name or sign to a work 'in order to make it plausible that the work was created by the person whose name or sign he applied to or in it.' Hoping to have informed you sufficiently with this.Neem de volgende stap
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