Legal Question about Neighbor and Suicide? Get Free Advice


I have been experiencing serious nuisance from a neighbour, W., for four years. Last May he had to appear in court because the housing association had requested an eviction. I was present. During the trial it already became apparent that he must have had letters from me, addressed to the housing association, because he stated that I had 'blackened his name in the entire neighbourhood' and had written letters to the housing association and the police. Indeed I have written several letters, but of course not addressed to W. On July 28th he was indeed supposed to be evicted, but it turned out that the man had committed suicide the night before. In 2013 I sent a long, extensive letter of complaint from myself and W's next-door neighbors to the housing association. This letter was also signed by those neighbors. This letter apparently ended up in the hands of neighbor W. After his death, one of these neighbors received a copy of it, with a note attached from W. in which he accused them of being complicit in his death and that of his dog (which he also murdered). My question now is, could it be that W received the file from the housing association, or was he entitled to that file as a defendant? Is this the normal course of events in the legal system? Or did the housing association overstep the mark? I look forward to your answer.


It may be that you are right about that. But that is guesswork at the moment. However, it is true that Mr. W has the right to inspect the file. The suicide issue is a choice that Mr. W made himself, which was of course a sad and unpleasant choice. It is also a great pity that no one offered Mr. W a helping hand at the time, because from what can be seen it was an act of desperation. But that is beside the point.


Thanks for your answer. Is the right to access the same as having the file in your possession? Because he had a copy of my letter(s). As for the helping hand, it was repeatedly extended to him, but he categorically rejected it. He was a care avoider who allowed no one into his life and indeed, unfortunately, he is a victim of this society and the legislation that is now under discussion.


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