Divorce & Parenthood: Visitation Rights and Alimony
If the father has acknowledged and registered a child, but has no parental authority, and the parents who have a cohabitation agreement separate, are there visitation rights for the father and an alimony arrangement?Lawyer
If a declarant acknowledges a child, he or she is the legal parent and has an obligation to pay maintenance. If he is not the biological father, he can request the court to annul the recognition and will therefore not be liable for maintenance.Lawyer
Yes, in that case he is also her father by law. Father and child then have the right but also the duty to have contact with each other. It is also the case that both parents are obliged by law to contribute to the costs of care and upbringing of the child in proportion to the needs of the child and the ability of both parents to pay. If desired, you can contact me if assistance is required in this.Neem de volgende stap
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