Reclaiming a Rental Property Deposit: Your Rights
From January 1, 2015 to June 15, 2016 I lived in a rental home in Breda. When I moved in, I had to pay two months' basic rent as a deposit. (660 euros) This payment went to the former occupant of the room. The very first deposit that was ever paid for the room was paid to the landlord. (So he got the initial deposit amount. Then from resident to resident) In addition, there was no contract, but verbal agreements were made. The rent payment always went to the main tenant, who paid the full amount to the landlord. When I moved, we indicated that the landlord must draw up contracts so that you, as a resident, always know where you stand. The new contract states that the new residents must pay him one month's rent as a deposit (355 euros) Now my landlord refuses to refund my deposit. I have a copy of my deposit that I paid and I can prove that I actually lived in the property in question and that my room was delivered exactly as it looked a year and a half earlier. What are my rights regarding my deposit? Is my landlord obliged to refund me the deposit? How can I get my 660 euros back? Hopefully you can help me.Lawyer
Upon proper delivery of the house/room, the landlord must return the deposit to you as soon as possible. You must summon him to do so, possibly with the help of a lawyer.Lawyer
In addition to the information provided by Mrs. Ferwerda, the following; If you have no residual debt or outstanding damages for the delivery, you can claim the surety immediately. For further information or legal assistance, I kindly refer you to Mrs. Ferwerda.Neem de volgende stap
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