Legal Question about Easements? Get Free Advice!
Can the neighbors ignore a deferred easement without prior notice and build a log cabin (shed) so that we have to squeeze through a slot?Lawyer
An easement is the right to use a piece of land, even if you are not the owner yourself. With a right of way, you have the right to walk over (part of) someone else's property, or they over yours. For example, your neighbor may have the right to walk over your driveway to his house every day, even if this driveway is your property. As long as the deed of establishment has not yet been drawn up, one may build whatever they want, but this may entail that it must be repaired later. You can also request the judge to make a ruling on the unforeseen circumstances. Things that are already being done while nothing has yet been agreed. If you would like more information, you may contact me directly by private message.Lawyer
Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to introduce myself to you. I am from the SBS6 television program 'Mr. Frank Visser Does a Pronunciation'. In this program, Mr. Visser resolves high-profile issues and conflicts. Mr. Visser started the TV program 'De Rijdende Rechter' over 20 years ago because he believed that all people have the right to justice. And he still believes that! I have read your case and wonder what the situation is now? We can offer you the opportunity to have your case dealt with in the program. If you are interested, please contact me. Kind regards, Dorrith Team Mr. Frank Visser Gives Verdict dorrith@vtvp.nlNeem de volgende stap
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