Rent increase and rights in social housing
Situation: Rent from private owner as of August 2012. Rent price below the liberalization threshold (I had never heard of a rent commission, so I was too late with that) Rent increase according to consumer price index included in the rental agreement. The contract states that it concerns a deregulated rental property. I have never been charged a rent increase. I now know that, according to the initial rent, it is a social housing unit, regardless of whether it is privately owned. My questions: Does the statutory rent increase for the social housing sector apply here or does the agreement in the contract (consumer price index) apply? If the former, I assume he's late with all the rent increases? If the second: On it says that the landlord must inform me of the rent increase with the amount and the calculation. There is no further term. So I do not have to pay a rent increase myself, even if I know the increase? The housing association's website states that I have to do this on my own initiative. Can the landlord also impose the rent increase retrospectively, from 2013 onwards? Or does the rent increase only take effect at the time of the letter? Is there any case law on this? I hope you can help me. The contract is all over the place. I have heard that there will be a rent increase and I would like to know where I stand. Greetings, Tenant PS: This is a specific case. Despite the anonymity, the owner could recognize his situation.Lawyer
The starting rent is leading. Your home therefore follows the rules of social housing. The provision in the agreement may however be in accordance with this. Rent may be increased once a year, this may be announced in advance by means of a provision in the tenancy agreement.Questioner
So the landlord can still impose a rent increase on me from 2013? According to, he must announce this in writing, or should I have automatically paid the rent increase? Am I now in default and is he allowed to charge interest or should he have done so in writing and can I now pay my overdue rent increase and is my debt settled?Lawyer
Please contact me directly so that you can send me the lease agreement. I will then go through the relevant provision and inform you further.Neem de volgende stap
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