Hospitality Wage Claims and Tax Advice
I work in the catering industry, I am 57 years old and have 26 years of experience. My (new) employer has left the payroll tax on yes for 7 months, even after repeated requests, instead of on no. I am receiving additional information from the UWV, where the payroll tax is on yes. Now it turns out that I can expect a tax assessment of 1100 euros, do I have to pay this myself or is my employer responsible? Now it turns out that I am also underpaid, I get 6 euros net per hour, can I retroactively claim back the underpaid salary? I work weekends and evenings.Lawyer
The minimum wage is 8.80. You can claim this. The conditions under which this is possible are set out in your contract. I will check for you who is responsible for the payroll tax. I have worked with payroll requests before.Questioner
thank you. 8.80 is net, I assume? My contract states that I get 9.26 gross, but I only get 6 euros net. I advise you to submit your request for wage tax reduction in writing.Neem de volgende stap
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