Does your ex comply with the alimony obligations?


10 years ago my partner and I separated. An alimony payment for our child was agreed upon between the lawyers. Now our child has been living in an institution for half a year and I have full custody. She does go to her father every weekend. Now my ex wants to stop paying the alimony immediately because in his eyes I no longer have any costs for her which is not right. Are you allowed to just stop paying.


Your ex-husband has a duty of care towards his child/daughter, until the age of 21. Now that 'she' is staying in an institution, that does not affect the fact that she does not have to pay the duty of care/alimony. If you wish, you may contact me directly for further information.


This still depends on whether you actually have costs for your child and whether there is a temporary stay in an institution. Previously, child support was justified because of the parental contribution that the caring parent must pay in the event of out-of-home placement, but this parental contribution has been abolished since 2016. If you have any questions, you can contact me.

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