Help with problems with jewelers | Legal aid
For the enlargement of my wedding ring I chose a well-known jeweler. When I dropped off the ring I asked how much risk there was for my ring. This was not a risk. The goldsmith was also asked to look at the risk and this time too they said, no risk. When I picked up the ring it appeared that it had broken during the enlargement. Due to the repair, which they had done, part of the inscription had disappeared. They wanted to do that for me in a different font. Because I did not like that I did not agree. After paying almost the entire amount for the enlargement I was allowed to take my ring with me. I immediately took it to another jeweler. The outcome was terrible. My ring still had two cracks, the diamond had been pushed through the ring, the ring is no longer round, the setting of the diamond is oval, the inscription (name) was gone as well as the gold hallmark. The ring was also not the same thickness in all places, in short it was destroyed. The reasonable repair of my wedding ring costs about 625 euros and has many risks for the ring. We have spoken to the jeweler about this and they do not take responsibility because this risk is always there. They literally 'do not care what happened to the ring'. Of course I want to be able to wear my wedding ring again, but in this condition it is not comfortable and the ring will crack at the fractures after a while. The enlargement cost me 130 euros and I can get these costs back from Twinkle, but I do not know what to do with it. A lawyer costs 150 euros, just to look and send a letter. A lawsuit could cost about 850 euros. These are expenses that we cannot just release, but I would really like to wear my wedding ring again. It is just 10 years old this year.Lawyer
What an annoying situation. A jeweler may be expected to have some expertise and that the ring in this case is handled properly. The jeweler has an obligation to make an effort, but in my opinion this goes beyond the limit, you do not have to simply accept it from the jeweler. A letter from a lawyer, at a lower rate than what you mentioned, could also be a solution. If you want, I can assist you in this. Please contact me directly and free of charge.Lawyer
The jeweler's expertise was not up to par, which is why you are entitled to repair or compensation. The more so, if your ring broke, it is not up to you, but to the jeweler. The high costs for a lawyer do not have to be that high and that is why you can contact me directly if you wish.Lawyer
The first jeweler must pay the repair costs of the second after you have officially put the first in default and in breach due to the lack of confidence in a good outcome. The motivation must be clear, otherwise you run the risk that the jeweler claims that you should have given him the opportunity (in accordance with the law) to repair the error first. A legal e-mail or short letter will suffice.Lawyer
In addition to the previous answers, I advise you to check whether you have legal expenses insurance (sounds strange, but many people have it without knowing it) or whether you are eligible for subsidized legal aid.Neem de volgende stap
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