Study insurance and school costs: Your rights
I have a 19 year old son who is in secondary vocational education. I am divorced and the agreement states that my ex-husband must pay the school fees, which he does properly. In addition, and this is described in the agreement, when our son was born, a study insurance was taken out for 50 guilders per month. This should now be an amount of around 4500 euros. My ex-husband manages this study insurance. Now my ex-husband does not want to pay for the books and school clothes (uniform). What do we need a study insurance for? I have paid into it properly since our divorce. Half of the premium was deducted from the allotment. I would like to hear what options I can take.Lawyer
You can claim this study insurance because it is now time to pay out because your son needs the money invested for his studies. You can request your ex-husband to open the insurance and pay the costs. If this does not happen, you can contact the insurance.Lawyer
Your legal position here also depends on the specific agreements on the destination of the study insurance in the covenant and in whose name the study insurance was taken out. If the premium has depressed the maintenance, then there is certainly a reasonable ground to request opening of the insurance.Neem de volgende stap
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