Legal Advice for Temporary Workers


My daughter was offered a 3-month contract (Phase A) for 40 hours per week via an employment agency. She immediately terminated her then job (part-time) in consultation with her employer. However, after 1.5 weeks there is no more work for her, which means she now has no income; she has already contacted the UWV herself. She has not been dismissed verbally or in writing by the employment agency at this time, only the comment that they found it very regrettable and that she will be in first place in January 2017 when there is work again in her position (courier driving license B). She was sent to a transport company that delivers medicines, among other things, and the reason is that they no longer have work for her; they do not dare to send her to the Schilderswijk at night to unload. The transport company indicated that the rides my daughter was now doing were actually for their 'own' drivers. My question is, should the employment agency come up with a suitable solution (they say there isn't one at the moment) or should they simply pay her for those 3 months?


In a phase A agreement, the right to wages ends when there is no more work.

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