Help with Labor Disputes and Burnout


At the moment I am recovering from a burnout. Before the reintegration process was finished I indicated to my manager that I have not yet recovered sufficiently and cannot yet work the full number of contract hours. My manager does not accept my sick leave and an urgent appointment has been made with the Arbo service. The Arbo service also does not consider me sick and has proposed a 3rd meeting between Arbo, manager and me. This conversation has taken place and I have been offered 2 solutions. 1) Fewer contract hours or 2) guidance from work to work. I feel very pressured and cannot/will not make a decision as long as I am not mentally fit enough. What are my options?


First of all, I would like to wish you much strength and hope that you will recover quickly from your burnout. I wonder who you had a conversation with at the occupational health service. Was this a company doctor? Only a company doctor can give an opinion about your (in)capacity for work. Do you disagree with the company doctor's assessment? Then you can request an expert opinion from the UWV. You can find more information about this on the UWV website: An expert opinion from the UWV will cost you €100. I wish you the best of luck!


You can change your contract hours. If you now agree to the job-to-job guidance, you cannot request a reduction in hours later. You can appeal against the judgment of your employer. To do so, request an expert opinion from the UWV. I have previously worked successfully with employment disputes.

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