Legal Advice on Healthcare Institution Conflicts


Care institution forces my son to cycle to school and demands that I give them his bike. However, the bicycle is not in order and must first go to the bicycle repair shop. The healthcare institution then forces me to arrange this within a time limit; however, for the time being I have anything but the financial means to do so. They know this, but now they are once again demanding that the bicycle be repaired and delivered to the healthcare institution as soon as possible. Last time I checked I still had 100% authority over my child; I think I make these decisions, not a mentor without authority. My son is not obliged to cycle to school every day for 45 minutes, and out of the group of 10 young people, he is the only one who has to, the others go voluntarily. If I do not comply with their demand, they will buy a bicycle for my son. He will then be obliged to pay for it himself using his pocket money, which he receives there, or even his clothing allowance. It might just be me, but I think there's some serious overstepping of the rules here. Who has advice (on how to defend against this for example)? Thanks.


You may send me the documents by private message without obligation so that I can study them for further advice.

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