Legal Advice Salary and Job Title
Good afternoon, I have been working as a production manager for 18 years with an agreed salary. The company does not have a collective labor agreement. Last month, without my knowledge, my salary was split into a basic salary + a personal allowance of 30% of the basic salary. The total salary has remained the same. The company wants to remove my job title from the organizational chart and not make an exception. My job title has been changed to team leader. The basic salary and job title correspond to CAO cheese warehouse. Highest scale + highest number of function years. The work and responsibilities I perform are beyond this job description. I actually want my employer to keep my job title because they do expect me to perform the extra work and responsibilities. How much right do I have to demand that they record my PT in black and white that it simply grows with any price compensation and is not phased out in a few years because no one knows why I get this PT?Lawyer
Although I can understand your objections to the way things are going, I don't think there is much to be said against it legally. It is indeed important to have it recorded that the PT also grows and is pensionable, etc.Lawyer
The intention of a PT is precisely that it does not increase and does not form a basis for the pension, in other words, your salary is not reduced at the moment, but it will be in the long term. After all, salary increases in the future are only calculated on the basic salary and not on the PT. Due to the chosen construction, you will either be worse off or better off (in the future).Neem de volgende stap
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